short biography
(from Enciclopedia Treccani)

Hystorian (Lecce 1854, Napoli 1939)
(excerpts from Enciclopedia Treccani)

Graduated in Italian Letters, Neaples 1877. Temporary teacher of History, H.M. High School Umberto of Neaples, then in High School of Salerno and Maddaloni.
Regular teacher of History in Technical Institute of Neaples, 1887, then in H.M. Military School of Neaples, 1889. University Professor of Modern History in 1890, also teaching Geography from 1895 and Modern History from 1901 in Neaples University, definitely in charge from 1904 to 1929. 
His debut had taken place as writer of critics essays, novels, poetry, for many neapoletan newspapers (La cronaca di Partenope and Il piccolo) and translator of E.A. Poe. From 1880 commited himself to History. Pupil of G. De Blasiis and B. Capasso, M.S. merged in his scientific production themes of Risorgimental history of the former with themes of local hystorical traditions of the second. He did not have teachers in the hystorical-philological field, but thanks to an austhere, self imposed instruction, he could write that Storia del principato longobardo di Salerno (Neaples 1887), and that Storia del ducato napoletano (Neaples 1895) wich, merged in the volume Il Mezzogiorno d'Italia anteriormente alla monarchia: ducato di Napoli e principato di Salerno (Bari 1920), are the best we have on the matter.